A Domain name is basically the address of your website that people type in the browser bar to visit your website. It is by far the most essential part of your business website and acts as a digital visiting card for your business. You cannot have an accessible website without a domain name.
A domain name also behaves as an ID for all your business emails e.g. frank@domain.com that way your customers easily identify your email as they associate your email and website domain name. It also assists in giving a more professional representation of the business as opposed to having a Gmail email address.
To understand better here is a very clear example; instead of having frank@gmail.com you could have frank.sales@domain.com this can be done for all the departments the business has. Emails with domain names are more likely taken seriously compared to Gmail emails.
There are several types of domains that an institution can choose from e.g. .com, .org, .mw, .net etc. based on the kind of business you are running. E.g. domains for .com, are commonly used for any type of business, .org is used for organisation while .net is mostly used for network organisations etc.
A little confusion comes along when you are making a decision to pick up the right domain but one thing, you must always keep in mind is that picking up the right domain is the first step you can take to help set up a path for a successful online business journey. Considering all this, below are some helpful tips that a business should consider when choosing a domain name:
As a domain name represents your business, choosing one that clearly reflects your business helps enhance your digital presence on the internet. It is very important to choose a domain reflecting your brand so that your audience and targeted audience can find you easily.
Make sure you choose a domain that is short and easy to remember. If your domain is long and complex, you risk customers mistyping or misspelling, which may result in landing on the wrong pages.
Using keywords relevant to your business and industry can help to make it easier for people to track you among many websites, hence helping to improve search engine results.
Numbers and hyphens are easily misunderstood when included in a domain name because people can easily misinterpret numerals, e.g., people can mistake a numerical 5 for spelled out as five.
In conclusion, the choice of your domain name gives a picture to your audience that you mean business, and it gives your business instant credibility while putting you in the same online marketplace as your largest competitors. So it’s very important to make the right choice when choosing a domain name.
At Freelance Web Solutions, you can acquire a brand–new domain name for your website for a cost you’ll love. You’re able to choose from universal and country–code domain extensions.